Departure time

Tour departure time is 3 hours before sunset.  Today's departure time is:
Saturday, April 27th 2024 @ 4:25pm

Lookup Future Sunset Times

To determine your tour departure time, go to the link below, and lookup your tour date. Subtract 3 hours from the sunset time to determine your trip departure time.

Meeting/Drop Off Location

Gold Coast Casino valet parking area

Trip Duration

The entire Trip duration is approximately 6 hours.

Important Information

  • No open-toed shoes. Wear sneakers or boots to avoid discomfort from rocks, sand and insects.
  • You must wear pants or jeans (no shorts or skirts)
  • You must bring a heavy jacket. The desert can be very cold at night, even during the summer.
  • During the 3 hrs observation period there are no restrooms, lighting or electricity.  We will, however, make a Pit Stop for restrooms before and after the observation period.
  • Learn more about what to expect