This is dedicated to those who seek the truth no matter their path. In this endeavor, let the truth be known. Special thanks to Percy Galloway, who was requested by ET aliens and inspired by a host of dear friends to release this knowledge of the ET phenomenon.
In the sixties, seventies, and eighties, aliens implanted all types of alien implants into some of the most unusual places in the human body, such as the leg, up the nose cavity, and the spinal cord area.
The number of abductees having some implant back then was one in forty. Today, one in every ten humans is implanted by one of three known methods:
a) The abductee is made to wear a football helmet-type contraption covered with wires over his/her head. At the top part of the helmet, a cubic-sized crystal is placed in the center. The abductee is seated in a chair facing a strobe light device, which plays upon his/her optic nerves and entertains brain wave patterns.
b) You are hypnotized, and high-frequency microwave emissions transmit pre-coded messages to the nerve center that a visual or sub-audio signal may activate.
c) It is today’s new classic, where surgery takes place aboard their ship to implant a tiny ‘bb’ microchip at the base of the optic nerve center. Our earthly doctors or skilled surgeons cannot remove this tiny microchip without causing instant death to the abductee. Other times, a microchip implant is put in one’s ear lobe, leaving a tiny hairline ‘x’ scar.
Presently, only females in good health between the ages of seventeen and thirty years of age are the grey’s favorite type of abductee used for implants and hybrid experiments where the female reproductive eggs are taken many times over to clone beautiful human-looking babies at an accelerated rate of growth. After many years of meeting and talking to both male and female abductees with some implant, it is my conclusion that almost all abductees cannot speak negatively about the non-human alien greys without experiencing some pain in their head or nerve stimulus shock to the body. All abductions done by the greys are logged in their computers, and you are given a lifetime membership “American Express Grey e.t. card,” and you will be leaving town with it.
One other very interesting thing that is now taking place on board their ships is “live soap opera scenarios” by male and female abductees. They are instructed or made to act out real-life scenarios of killing one or the other, sex acts of every conceivable nature, and violent acts of hate. All this is done for the alien’s study and evaluation of us as a species.